Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our company is committed to treating information received from users with the utmost care and confidentiality. We strive to gather, store, and handle data fairly, transparently, and in a manner that respects individual rights. This policy applies to all users of our website who provide personally identifiable information. As part of our operations, we collect and process information, including names, addresses, usernames, passwords, digital footprints, and photographs, ensuring transparency and informed consent from interested parties. We keep data reasonably up-to-date, collect it fairly and only for lawful purposes, process it within legal and moral boundaries, and protect it against unauthorised access. We do not communicate data informally or formally unless required by law, store it longer than necessary, transfer it to entities without adequate data protection policies, or distribute it to parties other than those agreed upon, except as required by law enforcement authorities. In addition to our data handling practices, we take reasonable steps to protect data, barring events beyond our control.

Our company is committed to treating information received from users with the utmost care and confidentiality. We strive to gather, store, and handle data fairly, transparently, and in a manner that respects individual rights. This policy applies to all users of our website who provide personally identifiable information. As part of our operations, we collect and process information, including names, addresses, usernames, passwords, digital footprints, and photographs, ensuring transparency and informed consent from interested parties. We keep data reasonably up-to-date, collect it fairly and only for lawful purposes, process it within legal and moral boundaries, and protect it against unauthorised access. We do not communicate data informally or formally unless required by law, store it longer than necessary, transfer it to entities without adequate data protection policies, or distribute it to parties other than those agreed upon, except as required by law enforcement authorities. In addition to our data handling practices, we take reasonable steps to protect data, barring events beyond our control.

Data Protection Policy (PDPA) Last Updated: 4 August 2020

Data Protection Policy (PDPA) Last Updated: 4 August 2020

This Data Protection Policy applies to D’trax Design Pte Ltd (“D’trax” or “we”). It governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data submitted to D’trax to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore (“PDPA”). We collect, use, or disclose personal data with consent or under applicable laws.

Website Operations: D’trax Design Pte Ltd operates (the “Site”). This page informs you about our policies on collecting, using, and disclosing Personal Data received from Site users.

Log Data: Log Data may include your computer’s IP address, browser type, pages visited, time and date of visit, and time spent on pages. We may use third-party services like Google Analytics for monitoring and analysis.

Communications: We may use your Personal Data to send newsletters, marketing materials, and other communications.

Cookies: Cookies are files with small data sent to your browser from a website and stored on your computer. We use cookies to enhance Site usage, but you can instruct your browser to refuse cookies.

Security: While we strive to protect Personal Data using commercially acceptable means, no transmission or storage method is 100% secure.

Changes to Policy: Material changes to this Privacy Policy will be notified via email or prominently on our website.

Contact Us: For questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

This Data Protection Policy applies to D’trax Design Pte Ltd (“D’trax” or “we”). It governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data submitted to D’trax to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore (“PDPA”). We collect, use, or disclose personal data with consent or under applicable laws.

Website Operations: D’trax Design Pte Ltd operates (the “Site”). This page informs you about our policies on collecting, using, and disclosing Personal Data received from Site users.

Log Data: Log Data may include your computer’s IP address, browser type, pages visited, time and date of visit, and time spent on pages. We may use third-party services like Google Analytics for monitoring and analysis.

Communications: We may use your Personal Data to send newsletters, marketing materials, and other communications.

Cookies: Cookies are files with small data sent to your browser from a website and stored on your computer. We use cookies to enhance Site usage, but you can instruct your browser to refuse cookies.

Security: While we strive to protect Personal Data using commercially acceptable means, no transmission or storage method is 100% secure.

Changes to Policy: Material changes to this Privacy Policy will be notified via email or prominently on our website.

Contact Us: For questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at